Trail 8a: Somport – Cascade Aspe

The proposed route starts at the cross-country ski slopes in Somport, in an alpine setting above 1600 metres in altitude. The area is considered to be a good migration corridor for small birds, raptors and waders, so it is a good idea to visit it when the birds are in flifht (March-April and August-September).

From the ski slope carpark you should go round the peak of Bessata to the area known as “La Ciudad de Piedra” (Stone City). It will not take long to reach the Causiat hill on the border in an area of alpine meadows.

If we cross over into France, we can reach “Chorrota del Aspe”, a waterfall cascading down through the wonderful beech and fir forest of Sansanet.

Along this route it is possible to see Crested Tit, Lammerggeier, Wallcreeper, Alpine Chough, Alpine Accentor, Common Crossbill, Griffon Vulture, Northern Wheatear and Yellowhammer.



Difficulty: Low

Medio 1 The environment is not without risk.
Itinerario 2 Route goes along bridle paths.
Desplazamiento 2 Paths or sogns indicating which way to continue.
Esfuerzo 2 Walks effectively lasting 1 to 3 hours.


Click on the path to see the trail; you can use the buttons + / - to zoom on the map. Certified accomodations are marked with their color type (excellent, high, medium and basic).